Apparrently, WhatsApp is working on a feature tagged “Message Yourself”, and has already announced the official rollout of the feature. The feature lets you send notes, reminders, and updates as needed, according to the company.
It will be useful for users who want to keep track of their to-dos, send themselves notes, reminders, shopping lists and so on WhatsApp.

If you send a message to the chat with your phone number, it will always be synced with your other linked devices since multi-device is supported.
How to use the Message Yourself feature?
Open your WhatsApp
Create new chat
You will be able to see your contact at the top of the list
Click on your number and Start Messaging!
The ‘Message Yourself’ feature on WhatsApp will be available on Android and iPhone, and it will be rolled out to all the users in the coming weeks.
Instead of these people to enable “in-app password lock” feature on the app to enable more privacy on there app like Telegram does they are putting some useless feature that no one need kai.😬
It’s underway
WhatsApp update is becoming boring and irrelevant
Let them introduce the save status feature like gbwhatsapp not this rubbish.