Cryptocurrency exchange was hacked January 17 and over $30 million in Bitcoin and Ethereum has been stolen by the hackers.
In a blog post, the company said that the total value of the unauthorized withdrawals was 4,836.26 ETH and 443.93 BTC — equivalent to roughly $15.2 million and $18.6 million respectively, at current exchange rates — as well as $66,200 worth of other currencies. According to the post, 483 users had their accounts compromised. has said that all affected customers have been fully reimbursed for the losses.
The latest communication from the company provides the most insight yet into the security breach, although details of the exact method of compromise remain unclear.
As a result of the hack, the exchange has migrated its two-factor authentication system to a new architecture, and revoked all existing 2FA tokens, meaning that all customers will need to switch over to the new system.
Not too long ago, BitMart Exchange was hacked and over $196 Million was stolen by the hackers. Crypto Exchanges are now been targeted by hackers. As of 2021 about 20 exchanges were hacked, and now, is the latest victim.
Who are the hacker?
Nice info.
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