Telegram is about to launch a feature that will allow you to promote your channel and bot the easy way dubbed as the sponsored message feature.
Sponsored Messages will be visible to the public channels on Telegram that have more than 1000 subscribers. It will be limited to 160 characters as well. Currently, the feature is in test mode.
Sponsored messages will not pop up in your chat list, groups, or private chats, with Telegram adding that user data will not be taken into consideration for the targeted ads.

However, admins of these one-to-many channels on Telegram will be sending regular messages to promote something or the other, with the introduction of the Sponsored Messages features allowing for a more user-friendly approach for the same.
Sponsored Messages are based solely on the topic of the public channels in which they are shown.
This means that no user data is mined or analyzed to display ads, and every user viewing a particular channel on Telegram sees the same sponsored messages.
At the moment, the feature is in test mode, and Telegram has mentioned that as soon as the feature is completely available and Telegram covers its basic costs, the company will start sharing the ad revenue with admins of the channels where the messages are sent.