Just last month, Telegram rolled out a group video calling feature that allows users to convert group voice calls into group video calls by tapping the camera icon on the call screen.
Today, Telegram said Group video calls now have up to 1000 viewers, video messages record in higher quality and can be expanded, regular videos may be watched at 0.5 or 2x speed.

The maximum number of people able to participate and broadcast to the video call remains at 30, but you can have quite the audience now for “anything from online lectures to live rap battles,” according to the company.
Video Messages
Video messages now have higher resolution and you can tap on a video message to expand it and take in all those extra pixels.
When recording your own video messages, Telegram says that audio from your device will now keep playing as you do so, “so you can now sing along to your favorite songs or reply without pausing your podcast.” You can now zoom in when recording with your phone’s rear camera, as well.
Screen Sharing
Finally, screen sharing has been added to 1-on-1 calls as well, and now includes the sound from your device when broadcasting in any video call.
You can check out other features added here.