This debate or argument if you call it is not a today thing between choosing the best platform to chat on WhatsApp or Telegram.
I use both platforms, and I’m finding myself aligning more to Telegram than WhatsApp probably because of its capacity to accommodate more people in a group, and also more features that are less available on WhatsApp.

However, we just notice the good fight of Faith between Telegram and WhatsApp on the Twitter platform a few days ago, and the reply WhatsApp gave was epic.
Telegram twitted the below, indicating that the WhatsApp platform is not safe because Apple and Google can see user’s messages from the backup: and for the very first time, WhatsApp replied to the tweet.
But a Twitter user who is also a developer responded to the tweet claiming Apple and Google cannot see the content of our messages because the database is encrypted.
However, it is important to note that when a backup is encrypted using end-to-end, WhatsApp protects it using your own password, which’s not shared with WhatsApp, Facebook, Apple, and Google. This feature will be available in a future update and will protect your backup from unauthorized access.
We want to ask you which of the chat platform do you use the most?
I’ve always had my suspicions because most times my chats converts to interest based ads