Telegram is constantly updating its platform with new features, and now they’ve added more features to it such as the Payments 2.0 feature, adding the ability to schedule voice chats and set reminders, new web versions, and more.
The payment feature on Telegram has been upgraded to V2.0 with support for credit card payments, via 8 third-party payment providers such as Stripe, Yandex. Money, Sberbank, Tranzzo, Payme, CLICK, LiqPay, ECOMMPAY.

Telegram also added the ability for users to tip businesses when making payments.
Voice Chat
You can now schedule voice chats to deliver at a particular date and time. There will be a helpful countdown animation for the scheduled voice chat or users can opt in to be notified as a reminder.
The app’s built-in video player has received an update where users can fast-forward or rewind quickly with either a double-tap or press and hold gesture.
Telegram also announced two new web versions that can provide users with quick access to their chats. These standalone web versions are about 400 KB in size and support animated stickers, dark mode, chat folders, and more.
The latest version 7.7 is currently rolling out to iOS users, while Google is still validating the update on the Android operating system. Android users who are desperate to get the update can download it directly from the telegram website.