Reports have it that a Group video call will be coming to Telegram next month, and this will give those who have been seeking an alternative to zoom.
Telegram group video call is not just going to be anyhow video calling but will be encrypted, background noise cancellation, screen sharing, and other features you’d hope for in a “modern” platform.

Though telegram was late to the video calling party, it only added two-person conversations in August, well after WhatsApp and others. But the rhythm is about to change with the upcoming group video calling feature.
According to the founder, Pavel Durov made the announcement via a (text) message posted to his official Telegram channel today where he wrote “we will be adding a video dimension to our voice chats in May, making Telegram a powerful platform for group video calls”.
“Screen sharing, encryption, noise-canceling, desktop and tablet support — everything you can expect from a modern video conferencing tool, but with Telegram-level UI, speed, and encryption. Stay tuned!”
2020 coronavirus lockdown actually boosted the likes of zoom, which made it gain more users worldwide, but Telegram if its group video calling is what is being talked about, then it may likely rival zoom.
The group video call feature should support desktop and tablet users in addition to phones and it is expected to be released in May next month.
This is a welcomed development.