[Updated April 20th 2021: NBX coin has been listed on Hotbit, so you can easily transfer your NBX coin from your browser wallet to exchange wallet. Registration is easy and simple. You can register on hotbit here.] I know you have a few favorite browsers on your mobile smartphone and even on your PC which you always use but what if I show you a browser that rewards you with free cryptocurrency every time you use it?
Your crypto reward comes daily so long you use it often and you also earn a first-time reward. I have tried it for a couple of days and the crypto reward automatically arrives in my wallet. You can exchange the coin for BTC, ETH, or USDT.

The Netbox.Browser is the first web browser that does not have a centralized infrastructure: all personal data of users belong only to them and decisions on the areas of development of the product are made by the community.
The browser comes with a default NBX wallet where your crypto automatically arrives every day. You can even stake the coin to earn more coins. Presently, the coin is valued at $0.06 on coinmarketcap and keeps going up.
The interface of the browser is similar to Chrome. The only difference is you earn a free NBX coin using the browser to surf the net.
Highlight Features of NetBox.Global browser
>> Surf the net to get daily crypto with the broswer
>>First time welcome bonus of 20NBX (Note: welcome bonus doesn’t arrive immediately, it takes a while)
>>Invite your friends with your referral link to use the browser and each of you will receive up to 10 NBX. Make sure your friends are actively using the browser
The more you use the browser the more you earn free NBX crypto coin.
Where Can I Download Netbox Browser?
For Android, iOS, or PC users you can download it here
Install it and at the right corner, click on the wallet as seen in the image below

Enter your verified email and password to register
Note: Go back to your email and click on the link sent to you to verified our email address
Create a new wallet
Save the 24 words phrase key and in the next stage, they’ll ask you 3 random words from the passphrase you saved.
Once done, start using the browser to surf like you’ll do other browsers normally. The next day, your surfing free crypto will arrive.
How Do I Get My Referral Link?
Just click on “Free Coin” and you’ll see your referral link.

Let us know what you think in the comment.
cant old wallet be used?
Good one there @Prof Yomi
What’s the assurance that I won’t loose my crypto when I stake it?
Powerful Yomiprof, I hail o. Thanks for the update sir. Please how would I exchange NBX coin to BTC or ETH.
You can reg an account with crex24, stex or hot it exchange platform to swap your coin to any of your desired crypto.
Crypto browser got bested
Oga Yomi, I’m yet to receive my nbx coin after registration. It’s 2 days now and nothing is in my wallet
It appears you are not using the browser. Just be using the browser to surf as you would other browsers. your reward will come
Good morning Yomi and family. Wishing you all happy easter. Permit me to post this here.
You all can claim free airdrop from Binance Yield Finance 0.15 BNY ($9). Total supply is just 66,500. It has the tendency of shooting up to $10,000 per coin within a short period of time.
Claim it here
Enter your Smart chain address. If you don’t have, just download Trust wallet, and and copy your Smart Chain address.
Your free 0.15BYN today can be what more value tomorrow.
Yomiprof how were you able to have 560NBX lottery reward
Good day Mr yomi please make a post on how to trade cryptocurrency and the best platform to use. Please sir
Pls write article about how to trade nbx coin pls to enlighten us pls
YomiProf, I wanted to send my NBX coin, what is the minimum coin to send. Thanks.
Exactly what I need answers to
@yomiprof am new here and I was looking for a way to learn this bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a beginner. Can you show me how
Hello Seyi,
Best way of learning this is to go on youtube, there are a lot of beginners videos that will guide you through
Sir Yomi I’ve signed up with your link, please I’ve been looking for a way to buy the nbx but it’s not working. Can you sell 50nbx for me?
The application is not downloading and I can’t find it on App Store
I download the app via the link but am just seeing File and I extract the file but abortive
Hello Taiwo, I quite don’t understand. The link is direct and no need to extract any file. It seems you click on the wrong link. Check to be sure you downloaded the right file
Mr Prof. Please, how can i create a wallet for transfering the money into my local bank account without issues.