If you’ve never heard of it, November 11 aka 11/11, is the Chinese Single’s Day which transformed from a celebration of relationship status to something akin to Black Friday. It is China’s biggest shopping day, the planet’s biggest online shopping event.
Lots of items will be discounted and will be sold at a giveaway price. I’m guessing you have a lot of things to buy ranging from smartphones, gadgets, and appliances, shoes, etc. 11/11 is at the corner, save your money and get it at a discounted price from any of the Chinese stores most especially from AliExpress.
Note, this is not black Friday… more Black Friday deals are still coming and will be posted here.
In light of this, AliExpress will be giving out millions of free select coupons you can use to buy during the 11/11 Global festival. You can get more than a US $1000 coupon code.
What You Should Know about AliExpress Select Coupon
A Select Coupon is a special type of coupon that helps you save even more on AliExpress. They are issued by AliExpress and can be used in any store that accepts them with certain restrictions.
You can accumulate as many select coupons as possible usable during the 11/11 global festival.
How Do I Accumulate more Select Coupons?
Go to this page and click on “Get Now”, the more you click on get now, the more select coupons you’ll get usable during AliExpress 11/11 deals.

How Do I Check My Select Coupons?
1. Go to My Account (My AliExpress on PC) and select My Wallet (My Coupons on PC).

2. Click on My Select Coupons and you will be able to view all the Select Coupons you won. These coupons will be applied automatically when you place an order
Check out more 11/11 deals here
It is the Chinese Global Festival!
Hello Yomiprof, please I need your advice.
Which is better between Redmi Note 9 pro and Redmi Note 8 pro?
Hello Anthony,
It all depends on what you specifically want to do with the phone. I’ll advice you go with Redmi note 9 Pro
I got $200, can Use it to purchase phone of lets say $180 witouth paying anthing?
I will appreciate enlightenment, thanks
Where is de location
please how can i follow up in this business?
I’ll update you before the stated date
Notify me please