It was reported earlier in 2018 that Telegram planned to launch its own cryptocurrency – the Gram – using Telegram Open Network (TON).
Telegram, according to the recent report is charging ahead with its own digital currency to be available in the next 2months.

Telegram has told investors that it is planning to send out the first batches of its coin, the Gram, within the next two months. If doesn’t happen by 31st October, then it will risk losing over $1.7 billion it raised to make those coin a reality according to rumor.
Telegram is also planning to make Gram digital wallets available to the 200 million to 300 million global users of Telegram’s messaging application, said the investors, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they had signed nondisclosure agreements.
It is not clear yet how regulators will deal with the new Telegram cryptocurrency considering how Facebook ‘Libra’ is being scrutinized by regulators.
via: NY
Everybody be launching cryptocurrency.
The world of criptocurency
Crypto everywhere, hope they won’t make it loose value like naira someday
Will not be interested biko