Telegram has now released a new update for its Android and iOS users, and it brings new features and tweaks pertaining to local interactivity. The last update, provided Telegram for Android the option to hide your mobile number from other contacts.
A new update is available, providing users the convenience of adding a new contact based on a fresh chat even without their number, start local groups, and the option to transfer group ownership as well.
Adding New Contacts Without Numbers
First off, the ability to add new contacts even without having them reveal their number upholds Telegram’s stand in terms of privacy. Now, when you receive a message from a new contact, you will see a button at the top to add them to your list of contacts.

There’s also an option to Block right next to it as well. Users can even add nearby contacts by heading to Contacts > Add People Nearby. Telegram will pull in your location using GPS, and show you contact information of all users nearby. You can then exchange contact information easily with all those people who have this section open as well.
Nearby Users
Secondly, the update for Telegram brings a feature to scan nearby users and groups based on your GPS location. This is ideal if you wish to add someone as a contact that you’ve just met as it removes the hassle of dialing the phone number.

Location Based Group
Besides messaging other users and joining existing groups, you can also create location-based groups which other users can find and join. These group chats are open for all users nearby to join.
Tap Create a Local Group to start using the feature. This could be handy in situations like conferences, festivals, stadium matches, campuses, and even chatting with people hanging out in the same cafe.
Transfer of Group Ownership
As an admin of a Group, if you feel you are tired of manning the group, you can choose to transfer the powers of a group or channel to another administrator you’d wish to. There’s a new button that has gone live in the group or channel’s profile page, called Transfer Ownership, and it allows users to change owner easily.
You can updates your telegram to 5.8 on iOS and Android to get the new features.
Can’t wait for this awesome alternative to dethrone WhatsApp it just lacks in popularity still. The Channel options is so amazing, don’t even news chat buddies to be kept busy, plus all is handled in the app mostly, no need for third party browsers.
Thanks for the heads up Prof.
Nice updates
For telegram users…
Telegram make sense. bien
Telegram is just naturally ahead..
Not really a fan of Telegram
Nice though
This app is good but no base in 9ja
I Like Telegram For It’s Flexibility Unlike Whatsapp That’s Restricted To Some Apps Both On PC & Mobile Phones. Good One Telegram The World’ll Join You Soon.