How To Automatically Reconnect The Internet When You Are Disconnected Frequent

It looks so disguising and annoying  when you are surfing the net and it keep
disconnecting barely every 2minutes despite the fact that you are using a vpn to surf anonymously. I know that so many people are still facing this disconnection
problem most especially those who are still opportune to be browsing free with
their mtn line.

It’s high time we put a final stop to this disconnection
problem once and for all. I’m going to quickly show us how to do that with this
simple small application. You need not worry any more; all you need to use is
ReConnect – a small, free application which automatically reconnects your
internet connection when it goes down.
With this Application, you don’t need to worry over any
network disconnection again for life.
Why You Need This App
You can also use this application to
automatically connect to the internet when you start your system
You can also schedule your system to shutdown at
a particular time using this app.
How Can I Download This App
==>Download ReConnect here
==>Run it on your system once the installation is
complete, and you are going to see  your connections status
How To Configure The Settings
==> Click on the Settings button
in the main window and a new window will open showing you the different
==> Choose your connection from the drop-down list
==> Make sure that the Auto
option is checked and if necessary, change the time
interval and the number of retry attempts.
==> Click the OK button when you are done.
With this, no more disconnection problem for you.
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13 thoughts on “How To Automatically Reconnect The Internet When You Are Disconnected Frequent”

  1. Mtn magic sim has been hacked by ma frnd but he needs yomiprof to help he get nairabet vfl tricks cause he has lost so much over 10k wiv nairabet

  2. @Fabian, did you download it as an application or better still, download it HERE

    @Siteo Arepade, before you connect, click on settings and enter your username and password for the modem you are using to reconnect. It rocks like magic.

  3. Pls help me out @yomi
    My Monitor has just changed colour…the left and right side changed colour bt the middle has its original colour…wt shuld i do to get the original colour back…pls i need help from everyone abeg…HELP ME OUT!!!

  4. @Anonymous, It could be one of these two things: You accidentally changed the settings for your monitor. The plug in that goes from your computer to your monitor is loose.
    Make sure you tye the plugin to gooes from your computer to your monitor correctly.

    Another to do is to go into the OSD (on screen display) and set the color temperature and color offsets (Red, Green, Blue) to the same values.

    Please if it still remain thesame, kindly state the type of monitor you are using so that proper solution can be forwarded to you.

  5. Oga Prof..

    Got a problem with the reconnector…. It reconnects but that also mean that I have to disconnect and reconnect my vpn (wiifree) every time the modem disconnects..

    Any way around this?

    Thanks and Keep up the good work bro..


  6. Yomi…i hv done ur first option and its firm and tight yet i still hv dsame problem…am using windows Xp…hw do locate the colour temperature…or is their any other option

  7. @Anonymous13 September 2013 09:24, you don't need to reconnect it manually at all. The ReConnect will handle every disconnection from your modem.

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