Blackberry Issues – Software Update Hanging, How To solve It

Yesterday, a friend beeped my line and was seriously lamenting
for help on his Blackberry Bold 5 device; I was curious to know what actually
happened and he said, when he attempted to upgrade his  device software, the BB just stopped at 16% back
–up for over three hours. He said he remove the battery and inserted it again,
but the problem software update page still remain on screen. I quickly
instructed  him to give me a couple of
minutes, while I ran a check on his Device.
This problem normally occur during upgrade process for BBusers. It is good to upgrade your OS but in some cases, it  may hang and refuses to change percentage.
Should in case you find yourself in this mess, 

this is what you should do:

Restart your device 
in Safe mode and revert the upgrade. It will immediately restore your
back up files back to the initial
How Do I Restart My Blackberry In Safe Mode?
Safe mode is designed to allow troubleshooting or
remove any unwanted applications and can

also be used to prevent third-party
applications from running automatically when starting the BlackBerry

start-up a BlackBerry smartphones running BlackBerry Device Software 4.6 to
5.0 in Safe Mode, complete the following steps:
and reinsert the BlackBerry smartphone battery.
the red LED (Light-Emitting Diode) goes out, press and hold the Escape key
until the loading screen appears then release the Escape key.
the BlackBerry smartphone boots up the Safe Mode disclaimer listed
below appears, click OK to dismiss the disclaimer. 
start-up a BlackBerry smartphones running BlackBerry® 6 and
BlackBerry® 7 to 7.1 in Safe Mode complete the
following steps:
and reinsert the BlackBerry smartphone battery.
the loading bar is displayed on the screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, press
and hold the Escape key until you hear beeping or the loading bar
completes then release the Escape key.
the BlackBerry smartphone boots up the Safe Mode disclaimer listed
below appears, click OK to dismiss the disclaimer.
Note: The Escape key is the key with a curved arrow that is located on the right side of the trackpad / trackball.
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8 thoughts on “Blackberry Issues – Software Update Hanging, How To solve It”

  1. Pls prof my bold 5 always show my media card contain error wen I boot it on..dat I shuld repair but wen repairing will fail and it won't show my media card

  2. my bold 5 trys to reboot, but the reboot does not complete. i have tried to downgrade the OS, but the reboot is still not complete

  3. Boot if from safe mode, if it completes, then shut it down normal and start it again. But boot it from safe mode

    Did you downloaded any app before this incidence?

  4. Hi Prof
    Even after i follw the steps above to stop my software update, my phone just continues to run the software update after i selected OK on the Safe mode disclaimer.
    What can I do to stop this?

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